Wednesday 27 March 2013


March 28, 2013

Worship (taken from the latin word worth-ship) is ascribing worth, value, importance to something or someone. The main reason why God created us is to worship Him. Worship is what we do every day. Consider a group of young men watching and talking about a game. They worship.

Going by our definition of worship, we readily worship music, arts, sports and food. We worship relationship, money, work, achievement, family, control, power, whereas God has called us to worship Him. He commands it. He desires it. He deserves it and He rewards it. He bestows grace and power on those who worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Worship is about God. About how good He is, how big, kind, powerful, gracious and loving He is. How holy He is. Until you start ascribing the right value and worth unto God, you will never know your worth. Worship makes you see your inward man.

Worship is not about how you feel. Genuine worship is not about singing songs and getting a good feeling in your heart, it is about seeing God for who He really is – powerful, mighty, great – and then giving Him the best of your time, your talents, your thoughts, your words and your deeds anytime and anywhere.

True worship is seeing the tremendous worth of God afresh and in response, giving Him the best of everything you have. No one would evangelize in heaven, no sharing of tract when we get there, there won’t be need for prayers, however, one thing that we will continue to do when we get to heaven is worship.

The sole essence of worship is just to return glory to God. It is to attach the value God deserves to Him. God is seeking for true worshippers; will you be one of them?

My prayer for you today is that, the wisdom and grace to be an addicted worshipper will be released upon you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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