Monday 4 March 2013


In the books of 2Kings 6, there was a great famine in Samaria that things were so expensive and even scarce. Mothers started eating their children as food. The situation of the land was pathetic.

In chapter 7 vs. 3, there were four lepers who were sitting at the border gate. They were looking at another country – Syria; who had it going well for them, but for them, whether they remained at the entrance of Samaria or went into the city, they were going to die. The Syrians were no good friend of the Samarians, so going to Syria also would be a suicide mission for them.

However, they did not want to die without making any attempt. They were not just talkers, they were doers. Their case could be likened to that of Esther in Est 4:16 when she said “If I perish, I perish.”

These men finally took that risk to enter Syria and as God would have it, there was no man in Syria as they have all fled because the Lord made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host. They went into their tents; ate, drink and even took gold and silver and raiment.

Friends, some of us are not happy with where we are; some have been running rat races all these while; some have been on the same spot for years all because of fear of the unknown. The truth is this; it is very risky not to take risks.

God is not interested in seeing you go through pains. God is not interested in you not fulfilling destiny, but you have to take charge. If the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, how much more the kingdom of earth?

Step out of your comfort zone. You are not permitted to remain on the same spot for years, move! Change position! Don’t just sit down waiting for something to happen, make it happen.

You shall not die without fulfilling destiny in Jesus Name. Amen!

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