Wednesday 20 March 2013


March 20, 2013

In John 5:2-9, there was a pool called Bethesda, which could be likened to a miracle ground. By the pool were multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, deaf, and dumb and all sorts. The healing process at the pool was that an angel would go to the pool at a certain time to stir up the water and the first person to step into the pool got healed.

It could be assumed that the angel stirred up the water every other day or once a week. So what that meant for all the sick people was that, only the fastest person at the time of stirring got healed. No wonder, there were people with years of sickness by the pool.

On a particular day, Jesus was passing by the pool and saw a particular man lying down, from the look on the man’s face, Jesus knew the man must have been in that condition for a very long time. Jesus could not turn His face away from the man. He had no other option but to wait, moved closer to the man and healed him. For someone reading this, your case will attract Jesus’ attention today in Jesus Name.

Was the man that was healed the only sick person that had been in that condition for a very long time? NO! Was he the only person with infirmity? NO! Maybe he was the only person lying down, which was why Jesus saw him? NO! Why then did Jesus single the man out?

The plain and simple answer is that, he received divine attention. Divine attention makes God see you and you alone. Divine attention makes God single you out for greatness out of multitude. Divine attention makes God jump over some people in order to get to you. It takes you from the back to the forefront. It makes your case God’s priority.

The widow of Zarephath also enjoyed divine attention, after all, she was not the only widow in that land as at that time, but she was the only one singled out to be helped.

Pray this prayer, “Father, by your power, cause me to receive divine attention and single me out for greatness in Jesus Name.”

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