Sunday 10 March 2013


March 11, 2013

At one point or the other, some of us have been faced with the challenge of knowing exactly what we have been called to do in life. What is my purpose on earth, we ask. What has God called me to do? God answers these questions through our natural abilities.

God leads us to our place of purpose through the gifts and talents He has bestowed upon us. If you are not sure of your purpose, just do what you are naturally good at doing and then watch God confirm you by blessing you. Don’t waste your time trying to do what you are not gifted to do; it will lead to frustration and disgrace.

There is so much pleasure in doing what we are naturally good at doing. You will enjoy it. Don Moen loves singing. He enjoys travelling around and ministering unto lives through his songs, because he is doing what he is naturally endowed to do.

God wants to speak to the world and He would do that through your talents and gifts. This is where it becomes dangerous to imitate or try to become someone else. Doing what you have gifted to do is always easy. It is easier for Ron Kenoly to sing than dance.

Grace is always made available to that man operating in his natural habitat. He gives us peace and joy to let us know we are fulfilling His perfect plan. If you attempt doing that which you have not been gifted to do, you will become miserable. If we work at doing what we hate to do, we won’t be good at it, and we won’t glorify God with our lives.

God came to give us abundant and a wonderful life not a miserable one (John 10:10). Our jobs is to discover our natural habitat and start growing it. We don’t have enough years on earth to be miserable working at the wrong assignments. Ultimately, God will require an account of your service here on earth when we get to heaven. Abiding in your area of natural endowment makes you a useful vessel.

You shall not be useless in Jesus Name. Amen!

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