Thursday 14 March 2013


March 14, 2013

In the book of Daniels chapter 3, the three Hebrew boys kept saying “Our God will deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and even if He doesn’t deliver us, O king, we will not serve your god nor will we worship the golden image which you have set up.” This got the king very angry that he commanded they be thrown into the fiery furnace immediately.

The fire was so hot, it killed the men that threw them in but nothing happened to these three boys. Their trust in God was so absolute. They trusted in God in they were delivered. From that day, it became a law that the God of Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego should be the only honored God of the land.

They that put their trust in God shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Jer 17:5 says that cursed is the man that put his trust in man. In order to experience God in a mighty way, you must be able to trust God and God alone absolutely, come rain, and come shine. You should get to that point where you can say, if God won’t do it, let it not be done.

Some of us trust humans more than we trust God. We find it is so easy to believe what a man says than for us to believe the word of God.

The same way you trust that your chair in the office or at home won’t fall you, that’s the same way you should trust that your God wont fail you. Psalm 34:5 says that those who look unto God for help shall be radiant with joy.

God is your one and only solution. No other help elsewhere. God cannot fail you. He has never failed before and He CAN never fail. He is the only one that deserves your absolute trust.

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