Wednesday 27 March 2013


March 27, 2013

To provoke means to call forth, to make appear or occur. This means that naturally, the thing that is being called forth exists but not visible.

First law of motion says that “every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.” This means that nothing changes until someone changes it.

The change you want won’t just happen. You have to make it happen. A car won’t just start by itself, someone needs to either start using a key or voice prompt it. To provoke new things into existence, you have to do some things from your own side.

The first thing is to change your thought. Whether we like it or not, change begins from within. Every new innovation or invention starts from within. Luke 5:37 says that no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For a new thing to happen, you need to renew your thoughts.

Also, you need faith. All the miracles Jesus performed were products of faith. Blind Bartimaeus had faith and got a new sight. Peter had faith and had a net breaking harvest. There are other examples like that in the Bible. I will say, without faith it is impossible to experience any new thing.

god is ready to do something new for you. He is ready to give you new set of eyes. He is set to give you a new womb. He is ready to give you a new car. He is set to bless you with a newly built duplex. He is ready to open your world to new opportunities. However, you need to understand that these new things must be provoked into existence.

Water from the rock was a new thing. Manna was a new thing. Walking on water was new. Water turning to wine was a new thing. In the mighty name of Jesus, God will do something new for you before the end of this month. Amen!

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