Tuesday 26 March 2013


March 26, 2013

I recently heard of a story of a man that told his employer that he was not going to be coming to work the following day because he was going to be sick. They all laughed it off, but lo and behold, for almost three months now, the man has been on the sick bed.

There is another story of a man who was fond of telling his girl child that she was of no good but just to be given out to a man and that’s all. The girl had this stored in her for years and when she became grown up, she couldn’t let go of the thought till she became a whore.

A man performed an experiment on two same breed of flower. He kept one flower pot outside in the open and kept the other pot inside his stuffy store. He would water the flowers the same way, but naturally, we all know that the flower placed in the open had a better chance of thriving than the one in the stuffy store.

However, this man would at every morning, noon and night, say to the flower in the open, “I am just watering you so people don’t see me as a wicked person, but the truth is that, I am so sure that you cannot survive.” He would go into the store and say to the other flower, “I had to keep you here so my neighbors don’t steal you, because you are precious to me and you are beautiful.”

At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the flower kept in the stuffy store was more beautiful than the one kept in the open. Whether we like it or not, the words that we speak are powerful.

Little wonder, how you will tell a woman she is too fat and for the rest of her day, she would keep looking at herself in the mirror thinking of how to slim down. Words build

You are where you are today because of the words you have spoken in the past (Think back!). Words are like seeds, what you get in return is always more that what you sow. Choose what you say carefully. Build up your life with sweet words.

I pray every destructive utterance you have spoken into your destiny be erased by the blood of Jesus.

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