Wednesday 20 March 2013


March 21, 2013
I have watched so many Nigeria movies where two or more people would in order to secure the relationship they have or to keep a secret, they would go into a covenant.

Looking through the word of God, I realized that covenant still makes a difference and that our God is a God of covenant. The most important covenant to go into is a covenant with the Almighty God. That’s an everlasting covenant.

In a broad sense, there are two categories of people in the world – those in covenant relationship with God and those without such a relationship. A covenant relationship is the foundation for blessings. The covenant between Abraham and God produced the Abrahamic blessings both for himself and generations after him.

When the children of Israel were subjected to great hardships in Egypt, the Passover covenant produced several miracles for them. God parted the red sea and provided a highway for those covered by the covenant, while using the same sea as a burial site for those outside that covenant. Even though God created both nations, the covenant made the difference.

The covenant between God and the Isreali nation made Him to punish, dethrone and kill kings for their sakes. God even disposed the original inhabitants of the Promised land of their inheritance and replaced them by the Isrealites, all because of the covenant.

God relates with His children according to the covenant between them. Once there is a covenant between God and His children, it shall surely stand.  Psa 89:34 makes us understand that God’s covenant is unbreakable.

In Num 12:1-8, because of the covenant between God and Moses, Mariam was judged. God defends those that have cut a superior covenant with Him.

If you want to be untouchable both by external and internal enemies, step up your covenant relationship with God and as you do so, you will become apple of God’s eyes.

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