Sunday 24 March 2013


March 23, 2013

One of the attributes of our God is that He is not limited by location, time or circumstances. Most times people say He is the unlimited God.

However, it gets worrisome when people use their limited minds to limit the unlimited God. In the book of 2Kings4:1-7, a widow was at the verge of losing her two sons to creditors. So she cried out to Prophet Elisha for divine intervention.

The Prophet asked her to go borrow vessels from everywhere. She was told not to borrow a few. Of a truth, no one can say exactly how many vessels the woman borrowed but what she borrowed was enough to pay her debts and she had left over for her children and her to live on. If this woman had gotten more vessels, she would probably have gotten more money to start a business of even could have become the richest widow in that land.

Also, in the book of John 2, when Jesus turned water to wine, only six pots of water were turned to wine. The servants present at that wedding that day could have gone a step further to get more pots, maybe after the wedding; the groom would have become a wine dealer.

When Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus what he wanted, it was an open check. If the blind man had asked for some other things apart from sight restoration, Jesus would have done it.

Sometimes as humans, we are so overwhelmed by the size of our problems that all we just so desire is a quick fix – a short term solution. All the blind man wanted at that point was just sight restoration. However, it would never have been a crime if he had asked for more things – a boat to start a business; a storehouse to keep smoked fish etc.

I want you to understand something today that your GOD IS NOT SMALL. Say with me “MY GOD IS VERY BIG. MY GOD IS TOO MUCH. Stop limiting God with your limited mind. He is the God with whom all things are possible. He can do all things. You can be great. You can be wealthy. You can have your own home. You can be what you want to be.

Every limitation placed upon your life will give way in Jesus Name. Amen!

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