Sunday 10 March 2013


March 9, 2013

In Psalm 68:1, the psalmist said “Let God arise, Let his enemies be scattered; Let all those who hate him flee before him.” Our God is the supreme ruler of the world. He cannot fail and cannot be defeated.

God arose for the Israelites and delivered them from the hands of the Egyptians. When God arises for a man, He gives the man strength and strategies to overcome his enemies. When God arise, change happens.

There is a story in the Bible when the disciples were traveling in the boat with Master Jesus. We were told that Jesus got tired and slept off. Suddenly a great storm broke over the boat and it nearly drowned it. The disciples were scared. They looked at Jesus and saw that he was asleep despite the storm. They woke him up angrily and guessed they screamed “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

The Bible says and Jesus arose, rebuked the storm by saying “Peace, be still!” That same moment, the wind stopped and the storm ceased.

It doesn’t matter how tough your situations are, it does not matter how terrible your journey in life is going, irrespective of how great the storm of your life is, the moment God arises, be rest assured you are safe and secured.

God arose for David and he conquered Saul. God arose for the widow of Zarephath and sorted her case. God arose for Mordecai and made Haman to be hanged in his stead.

For someone, I see God arising for you in Jesus Name. God will grant you victory over every enemies of your life in Jesus Name. Into that troubled home, I say Jesus shall arise in your home and peace be still in Jesus Name.

Remember, God will arise for His own people, are you God’s property?

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