Thursday 7 March 2013


March 7, 2013

There is a tale about these two shoe salesmen who travel to a third world country in search of new business opportunities.

The first man calls his wife the moment he lands, telling her, “Honey, I’m coming back home. There’s no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there’s no one to sell to. It has been a shear waste of my time coming down here.” He boards the next flight home.

On landing at the airport, the second man calls his wife and says, “Honey, you wouldn’t believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes. I can sell to the whole country! Get prepared for immediate relocation.”

How do you see things? Do you see opportunities in every trouble or you see otherwise? When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.

There’s opportunity everywhere. It all starts with that opening in the mind. Rom 12:2 says “ ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..” Elisha’s servant in 2Kings 16 saw the enemies, while Elisha saw the host of heaven ready to fight for him.

There is always a way out, always! It’s all about the way we choose to see things. Keep an optimistic mindset and you will live a beautiful life. King David could have decided not to even volunteer to fight Goliath, but because he saw that Goliath was nobody compared the person inside of him. That was only possible because he had the right mind.

In very challenge there are enormous opportunities for unprecedented success: the darker the night the brighter the light.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will make you see wonderful opportunities for greatness and breakthrough in any challenging situation in Jesus Name. Amen!

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