Thursday 21 March 2013


March 22, 2013
I am not much of a football person, but I remember that there was a particular tournament where my humble and beautiful nation – Nigeria was playing against Brazil were down by 3 -2. I remember very well that people were already beginning to leave as they already concluded that we had lost that match as it was extra time already.

I can still remember my father’s friends asking him to get dressed so they could go relax away the disappointment from the team’s performance during that game. As they were about stepping out of the house, the ball found the back of the net of the opponent’s team. One person shouted “Its not over until it is over”. To cut the long story short, Nigeria gave a come back and won the game that day by 4-3 or so.

Today I am come to tell you that it is not over yet until you win.

The woman with the twelve years issue of blood could have given up on herself and resolved to committing suicide, but she knew that it was not over until she won. The man by the pool of Bethesda spent 38 years waiting for an angel to stir the water and never lost hope, because he knew that it was not over until he won.

I don’t know that which is making you cast down your head. I don’t know what situation you have found yourself that looks like that’s the end. I don’t care the number of years you have been battling with that unpleasant situation. The Bible says there is hope for a tree that if it be cut down, it shall sprout again. What I know is that by the time it is all over, you shall be declared winner in Jesus Name.

Your case isn’t closed until resolved. Your matter isn’t abandoned until you matter in this world.

There is hope for you. It will never be over until you come out victorious. Keep the faith alive. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t even dare give up on God. God is not done with you yet. You are soon coming out a King. The final whistle isn’t sounding until you win in Jesus Name.

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