Saturday 16 March 2013


March 16, 2013

I read the story of a young believer that was working in the army who was always being humiliated by his fellow officers because of his belief in God. The captain of this young man was also not left out. One day, the captain decided to make fun of this guy’s belief before the troops. The captain called the young man and said, “Look at that jeep across the road, take the key and go park it behind the weapon house.”

The young man replied, “I cannot drive sir.” The captain replied furiously, “then ask you so-called God for assistance. Show us that he exists.” The young believer took the key and walked towards where the jeep was parked, praying the whole time. He started the jeep and before he knew what was happening, he had already parked the jeep perfectly behind the weapon house.

By the time he got down from the jeep, he saw all the officers crying, the captain was not left out. The young believer was astonished and wanted to know what was going on. The captain still crying, opened the hood of the jeep, and to the surprise of the young believer, the jeep had no engine.

The young believer told the captain and the other guys, “That’s the God I serve, He gives life to what is dead and does not exist.”

The moral of this story is that, God will never disappoint anyone that trusts Him completely. He will never allow His name to be put to shame. He is God, He has integrity, He has a name to protect.

Pharaoh’s magicians wanted to ridicule God when Moses’ rod became a snake. Their own rods also turned to snakes, but because God is just God, their snakes were swallowed up by Moses’.

I have a word for someone, as you keep holding on to God and God alone, He will disappoint your enemies and accusers in Jesus Name. Amen!

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