Thursday 7 February 2013


Lets start with John – a made up name.  John struggles with greed, has a temper problem, and likes to fornicate with ladies. He is faced with serious financial crisis and as such starts drinking and smoking to numb the pain.
John doesn’t want to sin, as a matter of fact, he knows it is wrong, yet he is not stopping. He is a dedicated worker in church. He sings in the choir and even preaches, yet keeps indulging in these sins. What should we conclude?
Some of us would mistakenly complain that maybe John is not a Christian. Some people believe that real Christians would not commit such things as John did. They are so wrong!
The Bible is lucid; Christians sin. Listen to me, great people in the Bible failed greatly. Moses (Num20:12), Peter (Luke 22:31) and even the great Apostle Paul considered himself a sinner (1Timothy 1:15). Some of us stumble out of ignorance, weakness, and/or willful rebellion.
Do you recall David? He committed adultery with another man’s wife, got her pregnant, then had the husband murdered to cover up his affairs. Those were “big” sins, yet God said that David was a man after His heart.
1John 1:8 says If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. In verse 9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
What helped David was that he never kept quiet about his wrong doings.
It is our duty to confess, it is God’s duty to forgive. However we should not be a like dog that keeps going back to its vomit. Ask for forgiveness and forsake that sinful nature and you will begin to enjoy the gift of life from God.
Friends, sin sinks. Sin ridicules. Sin kills. The wage of sin is death; this does not mean physical death only, but various deaths – financial, spiritual, mental and even marital.
As enjoyable as some sins might be, the punishments are never enjoyable. Ask King David.

The grace to confess and forsake our sins is released upon us today in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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