Saturday 23 February 2013


Some villagers prayed to God one day “Lord, for one year, promise us that you will give us exactly what we ask for – sun and rain when we ask for it.” God agreed. Whenever the villagers called for rain, God sent it. Whenever they called for sun, He gave it. All the farmers in the village started tilling and planting.

Harvest time came and to the dismay and shock of the farmers, the corn stalks had no corn, the wheat steaks produced no grain and the leafy fruited trees produced no fruit. “Oh! God”, the villagers prayed “you have failed us”.

God replied immediately “Not so my children, I gave you exactly what you asked for.”

“Then Lord, why have we no fruit or grain or kernel?” they cried.

“Because, you did not ask for the harsh north wind.” Without the winds of course, there was no pollination.

Real prayer is that spiritual exercise of aligning our dreams and desires with God’s plan. Real prayer is asking the mind of God.

1John5:14 says And this is the confidence that we have in him that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

There are many things that God wants us to have but we have not because we ask amiss. What we need is for us to ask Him to fill our minds with His thoughts.  This way, His desires would become our desires flowing back to Him as prayers.

Prayer is not dictating to God but a humble and heartfelt expression of our total dependency and need.

May you not pray amiss from henceforth in Jesus Name. Amen!

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