Thursday 21 February 2013


I remembered when I was growing up and things were so bad (financially especially) that I wished my dad was going to use one of us (we are three - all boys) for money rituals. YEAH! IT WAS THAT BAD.

I could remember that whenever we were taking dinner or lunch (because breakfast was out of our dictionary), and I was not yet filled up, all you had to do was just top it up with few tumblers of water.

For me, it looked like there was little or no reason for existence. I felt it was the end of the world.

As always said that it does not take GOD days to change a man's story, I came in contact with a verse of the scripture in 2004 that says " there is hope for a tree that if it be cut down, it shall sprout again". That verse fired me up.

I immediately told myself that I was going through a time of cutting down and that I shall soon sprout again. Day by day, I would ruminate on that verse, and would tell myself that "MY CHANGE IS AROUND THE CORNER".

To the glory of God, even though I am not where I want to be, I am not where I used to be.

Job 11:18 says And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope. Hope guarantees a great future.

Joseph was hopeful in the prison; he later became a Prime Minister.

Daniel was hopeful in the lion's den; an entire nation started serving his God.

Keep hope alive and you will live happily ever after.

Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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