Wednesday 6 February 2013


Have you ever said something like, "wow, I also had that idea!" or "and I was just thinking of starting next week ooo".

If you have ever said such, rejoice, it means you are a creative force in this world. However, you need to take another step further, which is to "ACT NOW!".

Our God is a creative God; as such He desires change in this world. Ideas birth changes.

So when you are dragging in implementing that idea that would make the world a better place for all, God is already working out a plan B. For every Moses, there is Aaron. For every Saul, there is a David. There is a timing for everything, so if your time to launch is dragging, God will find another vessel to use.

You don't get paid for your thoughts and plans -- you only get paid for your results. The same way no one celebrates rehearsals but performances, no one pays for an idea in your head, executed ideas get paid for.

Do not delay any longer on that idea. "Let's just do it now and forget about it" - my boss would say. Just go do it.

Stop dragging. Stop delaying. You need to send in a proposal to a company, SEND IT NOW. You need to publish a book, PUBLISH IT. You have a song to release, RELEASE IT.
You need to put a "Think-tank team" together, DO SO NOW! You need to learn a trade to "up" your game, go LEARN IT.  You need to sell some things to raise money, SELL NOW.
The more you drag, the more you keep being at the back. A warrior does not drag at the war front, if not he gets killed.
Our God is a NOW God, so you can't be a later person. BE A NOW MAN/WOMAN. JUST DO IT NOW!!!
As you step out from today, your ideas will blossom in Jesus Name. Amen!
Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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