Reading the story of that woman with the twelve years issue of blood
(your situation determines your salutation), I discovered that the woman was an
exceptional woman – twelve years case of non-stop blood flow!!!. Maybe the flow
was heavy. There was pain, shame and reproach all around her.
One thing that this woman did that I love so much was the fact that
she did not lose her hope for a healing someday. She had the option of either
committing suicide or just waiting for when death would come naturally, but she
did not.
Ron Kenoly said, if you are going through hell, don’t stop.
Every mountain has a top. Every problem has a life span. The question
is who is going to give in first? Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It’s
the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
No matter what the statistics say, there’s always a way. Prov 24:10 says If thou faint in the day of
adversity, thy strength is small.
You were created to succeed. You were designed to be great. Is your
business at a standstill? Has your finances hit rock bottom? Don’t give in to
fear. Keep on going. Keep on pushing. Keep on moving.
What saves a man is to take a step, then another step. You are very
close to the finish line to give up now. You got yourself this far, so keep
going on.
See you at the top in Jesus Name. Amen!
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