Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Reading the story of that woman with the twelve years issue of blood (your situation determines your salutation), I discovered that the woman was an exceptional woman – twelve years case of non-stop blood flow!!!. Maybe the flow was heavy. There was pain, shame and reproach all around her.

One thing that this woman did that I love so much was the fact that she did not lose her hope for a healing someday. She had the option of either committing suicide or just waiting for when death would come naturally, but she did not.

Ron Kenoly said, if you are going through hell, don’t stop.

Every mountain has a top. Every problem has a life span. The question is who is going to give in first? Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

No matter what the statistics say, there’s always a way.  Prov 24:10 says If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.

You were created to succeed. You were designed to be great. Is your business at a standstill? Has your finances hit rock bottom? Don’t give in to fear. Keep on going. Keep on pushing. Keep on moving. 

What saves a man is to take a step, then another step. You are very close to the finish line to give up now. You got yourself this far, so keep going on.

See you at the top in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


There is an adage in Yoruba that says “if you keep quiet, that which is in your body will also keep quiet.” I always tell people that doctors don’t go about knocking on doors asking if there were any sick people in the house, sick people are the ones to cry out.

When I was younger, I could be feeling intense pain in my body but would not say it out until one day that I almost lost my life to serious illness.

In the book of Ezekiel 37, so many things happened, but I just want us to look at the aspect of the man of God speaking to those dry bones.

In verse 1, the prophet said that the valley was full of bones. Verse 2 says the valley was dry. Humanly speaking, that valley was useless and good for nothing.

Son of man, can these bones live? Asked God. God is asking you same question today. Can that business pick up? Can that marriage work? Can that situation change for the best? god is interested in His children speaking their desires out, which was why Jesus seeing Bartimaeus blind still asked what he wanted.

If anything must change, then it must start with you. Those dry bones might have remained dry had the prophet not spoken life into them. Listen to me, the bones did not become living souls immediately, but minute by minute, something was changing until the desired change came because the prophet did not keep quiet.

God is interested in changing your story, but you must not keep quiet. Your responsibility is to just speak life into every seemingly dry or dead situation.

I don’t know who I am talking to, but there is a user of this devotional who is at a point that looks like all hope is lost. Relax, I have been asked to tell you, just hold on, don’t stop saying what your desires are, because that dry situation of yours will receive the breath of heaven and will come back to life in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng


Sometimes God transcends the law of nature and speaks to us through supernatural revelation. The most supernatural revelation is the word of God.

Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. The Bible has an answer for every question we might ever have.

Anyone that wants to hear God must be a student of the Word of God. God speaks through various means but He will never contradict His word. Psalm 138:2 says for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

If we think we can clearly hear from God without spending time in the word, we are mistaken. Because God speaks His words, only a reader of His words will understand the spoken words.

If you are too busy to read the Word of God, then am sorry, you are also too busy to hear God. John 6:63 says the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. If you want to live, be an unrepentant word reader.

Joshua 1:8 says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

The devil is not scared by your physical size, what scares the devil is the size of the Word on the inside of you. It is only that man that knows that God has not given us the spirit of fear that would be able to exercise such authority.

Commit time each day to read the Word of God. Download the audio Bible. Play it every time. Store the Word in you.  Don’t be too busy to read His Word.

As you commit yourself to daily studying the Word of God, your eyes of understanding shall be opened that you may behold wondrous things in Jesus Name. Amen!
Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng

Monday, 25 February 2013


A story was told of an elderly man lying in bed alone in the final days of his life. He awakens to see a large group of people around his bed. Their faces are loving but sad. Confused, the old man smiles weakly and whispers, “You must be my childhood friends, and you have come to say goodbye? I am so grateful.”

Moving closer, the tallest and the most built of them grasps the old man’s hand and replies, “Yes, we are your best and oldest friends, but long ago you abandoned us. For we are the unfulfilled promises of your youth. We are the unrealized hopes, dreams and plans that you once felt deeply in your heart, but never pursued.”

“We are the unique talents that you never refined, the special gifts you never discovered. Old friend, we have not come to comfort you, but to die with you.”

Someone said that the richest place in life is the cemetery, because there lies books that were never written, songs that were never recorded, inventions that were never done etc.

Friends, to dream is cheap, to work the dream is work. Some of us are good talkers but never good doers.

Friend, you have something great inside of you. There are many wonderful things that might never get done if you do not do them. Do not rid the world of the greatness that is inside of you. Do not add to the richness of the cemetery.

A gift is never a gift until given away. Fulfill your gift. Give it away by realizing it. What you get in life is a product of how you use the talents and gifts given unto you by God.

The servant in the parable of the talent in Matthew 25 was rid of his talent because he refused to trade with it. He refused to do something with it. For every talent and ability unused, you shall account for them in heaven.

You shall not be useless in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng

Saturday, 23 February 2013


Some villagers prayed to God one day “Lord, for one year, promise us that you will give us exactly what we ask for – sun and rain when we ask for it.” God agreed. Whenever the villagers called for rain, God sent it. Whenever they called for sun, He gave it. All the farmers in the village started tilling and planting.

Harvest time came and to the dismay and shock of the farmers, the corn stalks had no corn, the wheat steaks produced no grain and the leafy fruited trees produced no fruit. “Oh! God”, the villagers prayed “you have failed us”.

God replied immediately “Not so my children, I gave you exactly what you asked for.”

“Then Lord, why have we no fruit or grain or kernel?” they cried.

“Because, you did not ask for the harsh north wind.” Without the winds of course, there was no pollination.

Real prayer is that spiritual exercise of aligning our dreams and desires with God’s plan. Real prayer is asking the mind of God.

1John5:14 says And this is the confidence that we have in him that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

There are many things that God wants us to have but we have not because we ask amiss. What we need is for us to ask Him to fill our minds with His thoughts.  This way, His desires would become our desires flowing back to Him as prayers.

Prayer is not dictating to God but a humble and heartfelt expression of our total dependency and need.

May you not pray amiss from henceforth in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng