Saturday 3 August 2013


August 3, 2013

How many times have you told yourself that “I can’t do that.” Before now, I was a professional at saying such, but there was an event that changed my orientation about that. I went for a wedding engagement and the groom was like 50kg and the bride like 80kg. During the course of the ceremony, the groom was asked to carry the bride; all of us that were present wondered if the engager knew what she was doing. Asides the fact that the groomed weighed 50kg, to carry an empty 12.5kg gas cylinder was like lifting a car for him, but on this day he carried 50kg.

I wonder where a woman in the delivery room gets such energy to push a 5kg baby out of her. One moment she is seen crying and been wheeled into the delivery room, but the moment the doctor says “PUSH” she suddenly gets the energy that the Almighty has made available for such occasion to achieve that task. 2 Cor 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” The truth is that there is strength on the inside of you. There is nothing that you cannot do. There is no mountain too high for you to climb. There is no land too big for you dwell and possess. Phil 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

The reason why we feel we are weak is because we so much trust our strengths. Forget about your strength. Your strength is limited. 1Sam 2:9b says, “For by strength shall no man prevail.” In order words, if you think you are strong enough to go it alone, you are on your own. It is foolishness to go to battle with machetes when you have a father that has machine gun and who is ready to go battle on your behalf. Let your motto be I can do all things through Christ my strength.

From today, God’s strength is made available for you every moment of your life in Jesus Name. Amen!

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