Tuesday 13 August 2013


August 13, 2013

There is a story of a man that was driving on a narrow mountain road, as he rounded a bend; he suddenly lost control of the vehicle. The truck ejected this man through the window and he managed to grab a bush that grew on the top. After trying to pull himself up for several minutes, he screamed out in desperation, “Is anyone there?”

Suddenly he hears the thundering voice of the Lord saying, “I am here, what do you want?” The man said, “Please save me! I can’t hold on much longer!” The voice said, “All right, I will save you, but you must first turn and let go of the bush and trust me to catch you. My hands are under you, ok?”

The dangling man looked over his shoulder at the burning truck in the valley below, and then he called out, “Is anybody else there?” Have you ever found yourself in a similar fix? You tend to see God’s plan as off track. Sir, let me tell you unapologetically that God’s plan is the best and the only sure plan.

In 1King 17, God told Elijah to go to brook Cherith where he would get food to eat and water to drink. There was great drought in the land, so this was good news for Elijah. However, sometimes later, the brook dried up because there was no rain. Elijah could have tried to figure out if there was another brook nearby but he refused to figure it out with his own mind, rather, he trusted God would come up with a rescue plan and God did.

Let me make it clear that because God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts, it would be very difficult to figure his plans out, so the best thing to do is to trust Him blindly like father Abraham did when he took Isaac up the hill to sacrifice all because God said so and he trusted God could never be wrong.

Trust God and God alone and I am sure that God will not fail you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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