Tuesday 27 August 2013


August 27, 2013

There is a tale of a young man who had the opportunity of seeing God face to face to ask just one question. After a very deep thought, the young man asked, “why am I not getting answers to my heart desires?” God smiled and looked at the young man and answered, “Because you never brought them to me before.”

Many of us have selected things we discuss with God. “If it is something my employer or my father or my rich uncle or my spouse can handle, then why tell God?” However, what I have come to understand is that bulk of the time, we get disappointed, not because those people don’t want to help, but because they are also humans like you and I who have various needs as well.

Some of us go to our best friend and tell him/her how difficult the situation we are going through is, of which, many of them would sometimes use it to mock you. Job 7:11 says, “Therefore I will not refrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.” Job was saying that instead of going about telling people what you are going through, tell it to God.

He is a friend and Father, so go to Him. Talk to Him the same way you would talk to your best friend. Tell Him, “Father, I am broke. I am hurt. I just got jilted. You can’t believe I don’t have what to wear to church for next Sunday.” Sometimes the pain could be so much that we just need someone “physically present” to pour out to, please tell it all to God. He is our ever present help in times of need. Unload all your feelings. Release your frustrations and worries. God can handle them.

However, for God to handle your worry, you must be His candidate. You must be born again so God can hear you. Right now, just express how you feel unto God. He can handle your fear, doubt, anxiety, grief and all.

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