Friday 2 August 2013


August 1, 2013

The city of Grand Haven was having difficulty with skateboard traffic. Skateboarders were everywhere, weaving in and out and over walkers and drivers anywhere, anytime. So the city passed laws prohibiting skateboarding in public areas and then built a special skateboard park, complete with ramps and obstacles, and established an admission fee. But the young people were not happy. So it made the news. Interviewed by a TV reporter, one brash teen said, “It’s my right to skate board wherever I want, whenever I want.”

Unions strike because of rights; citizens rebel because of rights. Minorities and majorities shout it powerfully.

By the process of creation, and of course, recreation, we have undisputable rights because of our joint-heirship with Christ. If the enemy has denied you of these, you’ve got to fight back and claim your rights, however If you do not know your right, you will be fighting for nothing. Ignorance kills. It makes a man with all the food go hungry. It makes the son of a car dealer beg for seat in a taxi. It is a disease that denies a man his rights. Hosea 4:6a says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Divine healing is your right. Wealth is your birthright. Greatness is you in person. Fruitfulness is your other name. Access to the Father is your right through Christ. Divine favor is your right. All your rights are in the word of God which is why Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success,” so get digging so you can wisely demand for your rights.

What one right has the devil denied you of; health; favor or name it; demand for it using a verse of the Bible and I pray that heaven will release your rights at the right time in Jesus Name. Amen!

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