Friday, 29 March 2013


March 29, 2013

There is the story of a young soldier who had been condemned to death by Oliver Cromwell. He was to be shot at the ringing of the curfew bell. His fiancée climbed the bell tower and tied herself to the clapper of the giant bell so that it would not ring. When it was it time for the bell to be rang and it did not ring, soldiers went to investigate and found the girl battered and bleeding from being bashed against the sides of the giant bell. Cromwell was so impressed by her love for the young man that he pardoned him.

Because of love people do extraordinary things. In the popular movie – Titanic, a young man gave up his live for that of his woman. There is a tribe in Nigeria that for their young men to marry any lady, they would be seriously beaten black and blue until blood starts coming out. If the man can still endure the pain, he gets to marry the lady. Because of the love the men of that tribe have for their women, they would endure such pain.

God the father sent His dearly loved Son to be treated cruelly. He watched His only Son being nailed to the cross in agony. It was not a sweet experience at all, as I could tell how painful it was for me the day I mistakenly stepped on nails, not to now talk of someone that was intentionally nailed in both hands and feet. Honestly, you can only imagine, you can never feel how He felt.

The terror of the cross got so much that Jesus cried out. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”  God forsook His son on the cross because of the love He has for you and I even before you and I came into being. Romans 5:8, 10 says God has shown us how he loves us in that Christ died for us when we were still sinners all because.

My question is would you allow His love for you be in vain by crucifying Him all over again? By continuing in those habits that you and I know is displeasing to God. I pray that the death of Christ would not be in vain concerning you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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BBM: 289C6CAC 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


March 28, 2013

Worship (taken from the latin word worth-ship) is ascribing worth, value, importance to something or someone. The main reason why God created us is to worship Him. Worship is what we do every day. Consider a group of young men watching and talking about a game. They worship.

Going by our definition of worship, we readily worship music, arts, sports and food. We worship relationship, money, work, achievement, family, control, power, whereas God has called us to worship Him. He commands it. He desires it. He deserves it and He rewards it. He bestows grace and power on those who worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Worship is about God. About how good He is, how big, kind, powerful, gracious and loving He is. How holy He is. Until you start ascribing the right value and worth unto God, you will never know your worth. Worship makes you see your inward man.

Worship is not about how you feel. Genuine worship is not about singing songs and getting a good feeling in your heart, it is about seeing God for who He really is – powerful, mighty, great – and then giving Him the best of your time, your talents, your thoughts, your words and your deeds anytime and anywhere.

True worship is seeing the tremendous worth of God afresh and in response, giving Him the best of everything you have. No one would evangelize in heaven, no sharing of tract when we get there, there won’t be need for prayers, however, one thing that we will continue to do when we get to heaven is worship.

The sole essence of worship is just to return glory to God. It is to attach the value God deserves to Him. God is seeking for true worshippers; will you be one of them?

My prayer for you today is that, the wisdom and grace to be an addicted worshipper will be released upon you in Jesus Name. Amen!

 Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 


March 27, 2013

To provoke means to call forth, to make appear or occur. This means that naturally, the thing that is being called forth exists but not visible.

First law of motion says that “every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.” This means that nothing changes until someone changes it.

The change you want won’t just happen. You have to make it happen. A car won’t just start by itself, someone needs to either start using a key or voice prompt it. To provoke new things into existence, you have to do some things from your own side.

The first thing is to change your thought. Whether we like it or not, change begins from within. Every new innovation or invention starts from within. Luke 5:37 says that no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For a new thing to happen, you need to renew your thoughts.

Also, you need faith. All the miracles Jesus performed were products of faith. Blind Bartimaeus had faith and got a new sight. Peter had faith and had a net breaking harvest. There are other examples like that in the Bible. I will say, without faith it is impossible to experience any new thing.

god is ready to do something new for you. He is ready to give you new set of eyes. He is set to give you a new womb. He is ready to give you a new car. He is set to bless you with a newly built duplex. He is ready to open your world to new opportunities. However, you need to understand that these new things must be provoked into existence.

Water from the rock was a new thing. Manna was a new thing. Walking on water was new. Water turning to wine was a new thing. In the mighty name of Jesus, God will do something new for you before the end of this month. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


March 26, 2013

I recently heard of a story of a man that told his employer that he was not going to be coming to work the following day because he was going to be sick. They all laughed it off, but lo and behold, for almost three months now, the man has been on the sick bed.

There is another story of a man who was fond of telling his girl child that she was of no good but just to be given out to a man and that’s all. The girl had this stored in her for years and when she became grown up, she couldn’t let go of the thought till she became a whore.

A man performed an experiment on two same breed of flower. He kept one flower pot outside in the open and kept the other pot inside his stuffy store. He would water the flowers the same way, but naturally, we all know that the flower placed in the open had a better chance of thriving than the one in the stuffy store.

However, this man would at every morning, noon and night, say to the flower in the open, “I am just watering you so people don’t see me as a wicked person, but the truth is that, I am so sure that you cannot survive.” He would go into the store and say to the other flower, “I had to keep you here so my neighbors don’t steal you, because you are precious to me and you are beautiful.”

At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the flower kept in the stuffy store was more beautiful than the one kept in the open. Whether we like it or not, the words that we speak are powerful.

Little wonder, how you will tell a woman she is too fat and for the rest of her day, she would keep looking at herself in the mirror thinking of how to slim down. Words build

You are where you are today because of the words you have spoken in the past (Think back!). Words are like seeds, what you get in return is always more that what you sow. Choose what you say carefully. Build up your life with sweet words.

I pray every destructive utterance you have spoken into your destiny be erased by the blood of Jesus.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 

Sunday, 24 March 2013


March 25, 2013

There is a story about a certain poor man that sat beside a rich man during a special anointing service. The pastor of the church asked people to start asking God for whatever their needs were. The poor man did not take things easy with God at all, and kept screaming “Lord, all I am asking is just a 14inches television.” The rich man tried asking him to keep his voice down, but he kept on and on like that until the rich man beside him could not take it again.

The rich man turned to the poor man and said, “please, you are disturbing God from hearing people like us, here is a sum of twenty thousand naira, go and buy the TV and let there be peace here.” The poor man went home with his request treated.

In the book of Genesis 32, we read of a story of a man that wrestled with God. It got to a point in verse 25 that God had to quickly give him an injury; however, this did not stop the young man – Jacob, from wrestling. He was so determined that it was either then or never.

When God saw that this young man won’t let go of him like that, He said, let me go but the young man said, I will not let you go until you bless me. That day, his story changed, his name changed and everything about him became new.

The man that will get from God must be that man that is very determined. You must understand that until you make God your last resort, He will not sort you.

Our God is a now God. As Christians, we should take every moment called “now” so serious.

Never assume your miracle is in tomorrow, always have the mindset that the set time for you is NOW.

For someone, the time for you to be great is now. The time for your promotion is now. The time for your elevation is now. The time for enlargement is now. The time for you to have your own baby is now. The time to get that job is now. The time to excel is now. In Jesus Name. Amen!

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BBM: 289C6CAC 


March 24, 2013

There is a story of man that happened to be a top management staff in a certain multinational. According to the man, on his way to work on a particular Monday, he said he heard God tell him to tender his letter of resignation. Like every other normal human being, the man said the first thing that came out of his mouth was “I bind you the devil in Jesus Name.”

However, being a matured Christian believer, he knew clearly it was God talking to him but he just could not imagine how to go about it. The man said he started asking God several things; Lord, if it is you talking to me, let rain fall now, let PHCN bring electricity, etc.

The man said he kept battling with the thought in his mind, imagining how he would cope without the job. He was still in the middle of his deep thought when there was a memo that there was going to be a general downsizing and unfortunately for the man, he was affected.

Namaan almost forfeited his healing all because he thought within himself that a man of his caliber and class should not be seen having his bath inside river Jordan. Had it not been for his wonderful and sensitive servant, Namaan would have a remained a leper.

God told Abraham to leave his country to a land He would show him – who does that? Why not show me the land and then I will decide if I want to go there or not, but Father Abraham understood that if God says go, it means He is also going to go with you, however, if you now refuse to go, then God’s presence will go away from that person.

Maybe God is asking you to start or do something and you are still at the stage of thinking it through; asking God for different signs so you could be sure it is God. It is very dangerous. ONCE YOU ARE CERTAIN IT IS GOD TALKING, DON’T DELAY, AND PLUNGE INTO ACTION IMMEDIATELY. HE KNOWS THE END RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING.

I pray you be spiritually sensitive to understand and obey divine instruction without any delay in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 


March 23, 2013

One of the attributes of our God is that He is not limited by location, time or circumstances. Most times people say He is the unlimited God.

However, it gets worrisome when people use their limited minds to limit the unlimited God. In the book of 2Kings4:1-7, a widow was at the verge of losing her two sons to creditors. So she cried out to Prophet Elisha for divine intervention.

The Prophet asked her to go borrow vessels from everywhere. She was told not to borrow a few. Of a truth, no one can say exactly how many vessels the woman borrowed but what she borrowed was enough to pay her debts and she had left over for her children and her to live on. If this woman had gotten more vessels, she would probably have gotten more money to start a business of even could have become the richest widow in that land.

Also, in the book of John 2, when Jesus turned water to wine, only six pots of water were turned to wine. The servants present at that wedding that day could have gone a step further to get more pots, maybe after the wedding; the groom would have become a wine dealer.

When Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus what he wanted, it was an open check. If the blind man had asked for some other things apart from sight restoration, Jesus would have done it.

Sometimes as humans, we are so overwhelmed by the size of our problems that all we just so desire is a quick fix – a short term solution. All the blind man wanted at that point was just sight restoration. However, it would never have been a crime if he had asked for more things – a boat to start a business; a storehouse to keep smoked fish etc.

I want you to understand something today that your GOD IS NOT SMALL. Say with me “MY GOD IS VERY BIG. MY GOD IS TOO MUCH. Stop limiting God with your limited mind. He is the God with whom all things are possible. He can do all things. You can be great. You can be wealthy. You can have your own home. You can be what you want to be.

Every limitation placed upon your life will give way in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 

Thursday, 21 March 2013


March 22, 2013
I am not much of a football person, but I remember that there was a particular tournament where my humble and beautiful nation – Nigeria was playing against Brazil were down by 3 -2. I remember very well that people were already beginning to leave as they already concluded that we had lost that match as it was extra time already.

I can still remember my father’s friends asking him to get dressed so they could go relax away the disappointment from the team’s performance during that game. As they were about stepping out of the house, the ball found the back of the net of the opponent’s team. One person shouted “Its not over until it is over”. To cut the long story short, Nigeria gave a come back and won the game that day by 4-3 or so.

Today I am come to tell you that it is not over yet until you win.

The woman with the twelve years issue of blood could have given up on herself and resolved to committing suicide, but she knew that it was not over until she won. The man by the pool of Bethesda spent 38 years waiting for an angel to stir the water and never lost hope, because he knew that it was not over until he won.

I don’t know that which is making you cast down your head. I don’t know what situation you have found yourself that looks like that’s the end. I don’t care the number of years you have been battling with that unpleasant situation. The Bible says there is hope for a tree that if it be cut down, it shall sprout again. What I know is that by the time it is all over, you shall be declared winner in Jesus Name.

Your case isn’t closed until resolved. Your matter isn’t abandoned until you matter in this world.

There is hope for you. It will never be over until you come out victorious. Keep the faith alive. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t even dare give up on God. God is not done with you yet. You are soon coming out a King. The final whistle isn’t sounding until you win in Jesus Name.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


March 21, 2013
I have watched so many Nigeria movies where two or more people would in order to secure the relationship they have or to keep a secret, they would go into a covenant.

Looking through the word of God, I realized that covenant still makes a difference and that our God is a God of covenant. The most important covenant to go into is a covenant with the Almighty God. That’s an everlasting covenant.

In a broad sense, there are two categories of people in the world – those in covenant relationship with God and those without such a relationship. A covenant relationship is the foundation for blessings. The covenant between Abraham and God produced the Abrahamic blessings both for himself and generations after him.

When the children of Israel were subjected to great hardships in Egypt, the Passover covenant produced several miracles for them. God parted the red sea and provided a highway for those covered by the covenant, while using the same sea as a burial site for those outside that covenant. Even though God created both nations, the covenant made the difference.

The covenant between God and the Isreali nation made Him to punish, dethrone and kill kings for their sakes. God even disposed the original inhabitants of the Promised land of their inheritance and replaced them by the Isrealites, all because of the covenant.

God relates with His children according to the covenant between them. Once there is a covenant between God and His children, it shall surely stand.  Psa 89:34 makes us understand that God’s covenant is unbreakable.

In Num 12:1-8, because of the covenant between God and Moses, Mariam was judged. God defends those that have cut a superior covenant with Him.

If you want to be untouchable both by external and internal enemies, step up your covenant relationship with God and as you do so, you will become apple of God’s eyes.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 


March 20, 2013

In John 5:2-9, there was a pool called Bethesda, which could be likened to a miracle ground. By the pool were multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, deaf, and dumb and all sorts. The healing process at the pool was that an angel would go to the pool at a certain time to stir up the water and the first person to step into the pool got healed.

It could be assumed that the angel stirred up the water every other day or once a week. So what that meant for all the sick people was that, only the fastest person at the time of stirring got healed. No wonder, there were people with years of sickness by the pool.

On a particular day, Jesus was passing by the pool and saw a particular man lying down, from the look on the man’s face, Jesus knew the man must have been in that condition for a very long time. Jesus could not turn His face away from the man. He had no other option but to wait, moved closer to the man and healed him. For someone reading this, your case will attract Jesus’ attention today in Jesus Name.

Was the man that was healed the only sick person that had been in that condition for a very long time? NO! Was he the only person with infirmity? NO! Maybe he was the only person lying down, which was why Jesus saw him? NO! Why then did Jesus single the man out?

The plain and simple answer is that, he received divine attention. Divine attention makes God see you and you alone. Divine attention makes God single you out for greatness out of multitude. Divine attention makes God jump over some people in order to get to you. It takes you from the back to the forefront. It makes your case God’s priority.

The widow of Zarephath also enjoyed divine attention, after all, she was not the only widow in that land as at that time, but she was the only one singled out to be helped.

Pray this prayer, “Father, by your power, cause me to receive divine attention and single me out for greatness in Jesus Name.”

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 


March 19, 2013

Father Abraham was about ready to sacrifice his son on an altar on the top of a desolate mountain in the land of Moriah. How did I know that the mountain was desolate? I know because if it was not desolate, Abraham would not have taken the wood and the fire from the base of the mountain. He also asked his two servants to wait at the base of the mountain just so that should Isaac want to make any trouble, there won’t be no one to help him.

When they were almost nearing the top of the mountain, Isaac asked a very critical question, “Father, behold the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the grunt offering?” Abraham answered, “God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering.”

At that moment, some processes began and one way or the other, a lamb was made available for the sacrifice instead of Isaac being used. Jehovah Jireh is the Lord our provider. He is our supplier. He makes all things available for us. He is your source of provision.

When the children of Israel were out of Egypt and they needed water, God brought water from out of the rock. When they needed food, He rained down food for them on a daily basis.

The Bible says that the Lord will supply (provide) all of your needs according to His riches in glory, not according to your salary; not according to the economic situation of your country. That God will provide is not a product of your own work, it is a product of God’s riches.

There was no way the children of Israel could have caused food to rain down from heaven, but because Jehovah Jireh is not limited by the present situation of a man, He provided everything that they needed as at when needed. He is always timely.

For a reader of this devotional, I don’t know that which is your own need, but I have come to tell you this morning that there is nothing God cannot provide. He brought money out of the mouth of a fish. He used a raven to feed a man.

As you call on Jehovah Jireh today, He will answer you in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 

Monday, 18 March 2013


March 17, 2013

No matter how delicious a meal is, there is a limit as to how long it can stay in the body system, after which it becomes poisonous. Even if you had dinner with the President of the United States of America and you feel like keeping the food in your stomach as a souvenir from the white house, after some time, the food turns acidic and must leave your body, or else you might end up in the hospital or in the grave. The joy of eating is giving it out in form of a waste.

The world calls prosperity how much you have, but the kingdom of heaven measures your prosperity by how much you give. That’s why the Bible says “Give, and it shall be given unto you…” I always tell people that what this verse is saying is that “Refuse to give, and you will refuse to get”.

What you give is what you get.

The beautiful thing about giving is that you get much more in return. The widow of Zarephath got barrels of oil in exchange for just a handful of meal and a little oil in a cruise given out. If she has refused to give out that day, she would have eaten the little meal and die in famine and penury.

Giving to God opens unto you the windows of heaven. Giving to the poor makes their maker attend to you. Giving gets you going in life.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye gave his car out by selling it for the church and today, we can all see the outcome of such act. God will never give you what you give out, He will give you much more than you can ever think of or imagine.

Check your environment today and bless someone with something. A cup of rice might be all that one family needs to survive today.

May you always have to give in Jesus Name. Amen!!!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 


March 18, 2013

2Chronicles 7:14 says that “If My people, who are called by my Name would humble themselves and pray…..”

When I was growing up, there is this particular song that we were always singing, “prayer is the key, prayer is the master key, Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer, prayer is the master key.”

Prayer is indeed the master key that opens the doors of Heaven and releases the power of God on this earth. In Luke 18, Jesus said men ought always to pray and not lose heart.   Prayer is the way by which we obtain that which we need from God.

Prayer is a constant talk with God. It is not just that, which you do in the early hours of the morning, it is what you do every time and anytime. Prayer is the way we as believers communicate with the Supreme God.

Prayer makes available a whole lot of spiritual power to us. The more we talk with God, the more God will talk to us. When we pray to God, it makes available insight and understanding of God’s will for us. And the knowledge of God’s will, will help us in praying effectively.

When you pray, God rains down help. When you pray, God releases blessings. When you pray, God gives you direction as to what to do.

God is not oppressed or challenged by the size or degree of the problems we face. Our Lord’s power to help is just as potent in our modern times as He was in the era of the New Testament. Heb 13:8 says He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He is the unchanging changer. All you have to do to put Him into action as regards your case is to pray.

As you give yourself to constant prayer from henceforth, Heaven will attend to your requests timely in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylonng
BBM: 289C6CAC 

Saturday, 16 March 2013


March 16, 2013

I read the story of a young believer that was working in the army who was always being humiliated by his fellow officers because of his belief in God. The captain of this young man was also not left out. One day, the captain decided to make fun of this guy’s belief before the troops. The captain called the young man and said, “Look at that jeep across the road, take the key and go park it behind the weapon house.”

The young man replied, “I cannot drive sir.” The captain replied furiously, “then ask you so-called God for assistance. Show us that he exists.” The young believer took the key and walked towards where the jeep was parked, praying the whole time. He started the jeep and before he knew what was happening, he had already parked the jeep perfectly behind the weapon house.

By the time he got down from the jeep, he saw all the officers crying, the captain was not left out. The young believer was astonished and wanted to know what was going on. The captain still crying, opened the hood of the jeep, and to the surprise of the young believer, the jeep had no engine.

The young believer told the captain and the other guys, “That’s the God I serve, He gives life to what is dead and does not exist.”

The moral of this story is that, God will never disappoint anyone that trusts Him completely. He will never allow His name to be put to shame. He is God, He has integrity, He has a name to protect.

Pharaoh’s magicians wanted to ridicule God when Moses’ rod became a snake. Their own rods also turned to snakes, but because God is just God, their snakes were swallowed up by Moses’.

I have a word for someone, as you keep holding on to God and God alone, He will disappoint your enemies and accusers in Jesus Name. Amen!

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