Friday 27 September 2013


September 27, 2013

Have you ever called the customer care center of a telecommunication service provider and you were asked to hold on while your call is transferred to the next available agent? Sometimes the holding on period might be more than 5 minutes, but you still keep on holding on all because you have an issue and you need it resolved.

There is a story in 1 Samuel 1 about Aunty Hannah. She was her husband’s delight, but she was barren. The other wife was productive and had her own children, and as a result she started mocking Hannah. However, Bible says in verse 7 of that chapter that Hannah year by year went up to the house of the Lord. She held on to her God.

How many times have you had to want to just run away from those challenges? many times have you had to ask yourself if truly God cares? Sometimes we are so weighed down by life’s challenges that we just want to run away or just discard the dream of a big and beautiful life, however, running away does not take away the challenge, sometimes it magnifies it.

No matter what you are going through, hold on to Jesus. That man said, “I will not let thee go, until thou bless me.” He was too determined to be distracted. Heb 10:23 says, “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;).” Excuse me sir, there are wonderful promises for you and I from God, but patience is key. Uncle Job could have cursed God and die, but He knew perfectly well that he that holds on to God, never ever gets disappointed.

I understand you have been holding on for a while now, but please hold on for a little while more. Your testimony is around the corner. Don’t give up on God, He has never disappointed before and He won’t start with you.

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