Wednesday 18 September 2013


September 18, 2013

One night a house caught fire and a young boy was forced to flee to the roof as that was the only available exit point. The father stood on the ground below with outstretched arms, calling to his son, “Jump, I will catch you.” the father knew that the only saving grace the boy had was to jump. All the boy could see , however, was flame, smoke, and blackness.

As you can imagine, he was afraid to leave the roof. His father kept yelling, “Jump, I will catch you. Don’t you trust me? Stop been fearful and just jump.” The boy protested, “Daddy, I can’t see you.” The angry father screamed, “But I can see you and that is all that matters.” Unfortunately the boy did not jump, and he was caught up in flames only to be rescued by firemen minutes later.

Some of us are like the little boy; we see God as sometimes unrealistic. Come to think of it, how would a supernatural being tell a natural man to walk on water? However, whether it was possible before then or not, Peter’s experienced proved to us that with faith, the sky is not the limit, but the starting point.

My brothers and sisters, God has great plans in stock for you. He wants to bless you. He wants you to move up higher. He wants to change your level. But, all these won’t happen automatically, you must play your part. The part you have to play is to act in faith. Don’t just pray alone, worship and thank God for answers – that’s a step of faith.

I once applied for admission somewhere and before the list came out, I had already written my own faith admission letter and that made it easier for me to bag the admission. Don’t just speak to your mountain, move towards it and I pray that every step of faith you take from today will receive divine backing in Jesus Name. Amen

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