Wednesday 25 September 2013


September 25, 2013

A lot of us go through life everyday complaining about one thing or the other; no money; not enough money; dry weather; stormy weather; stubborn children; unloving husband; rude wife; low paying job etc. One thing that I don’t have to be a prophet to know is that there are one million and one things to complain about.

This attitude has so much eaten deep into us that we sometimes refuse to give God thanks for the tiniest thing like being able to eat; use the toilet, sleep and wake up; use the mouth to talk and all – we feel, it is a normal thing. Excuse me sir, it is not normal for some people. Recently, my pastor shared a story of a man that had a pipe passed through his nostrils just so he could be fed and you use your mouth to eat anyhow, yet you see no reason why you should give Him thanks.

One way or the other, you have moved forward. You are better. Millions didn’t make if to today, but you are one of those who did. You might be roaming the street as a jobseeker; thank God you are not roaming the street as a mad man. If you can think very well, you would realize that one way or the other, God has done something for you. Some wish they could read; some wish they could talk; some wish they could hear; you can see, talk, hear and even much more – sir, if you refuse to thank God, then you are an ingrate.

The attitude of thanking God today guarantees a better tomorrow. Stop seeing what God has not done; start seeing what He has done. Can you buy your life in the market? Bible says in all things, give thanks. No matter what you are going through; give thanks anyhow. Appreciate God for being faithful unto you despite your unfaithfulness.

May your thanks be acceptable in Jesus Name. Amen!

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