Tuesday 24 September 2013


September 24, 2013

A certain man weighing about 55kg decided to go for body building exercises. On his first day in the gym, the coach decided to start him up with a 15kg weight, however, this man felt embarrassed, saying his wife weighed almost 75kg and he carried her almost everytime. He requested the coach started him up with atleast 50kg weight in order to hasten his body building dream. The coach granted his wish. Sir, this man could not even lift it more than once before begging the gym instructor to come help take it away.

In the scripture, faith has levels. When the disciples found it difficult to cast out a dumb spirit out of a man’s son, Jesus called them in Mark 9:19, “O faithless generation.” In Matt 8:26, the disciples were called, “O ye of little faith.” Their frustration began when they heard Jesus say to the centurion in Matt 8:10 that he had great faith. in Luke 17:5, they burst out and said, “Lord, increase our faith.”

They were tired of seeing things happen for others while they that were of the household of faith could not record a single act of faith. Some of us have prayed that prayer at one point or the other in our life, yet, our faith level did not rise. Sir, faith grows by hearing and applying the word of God. If you have never heard from the word of God that He is Jehovah Jireh, it would be difficult for you to trust Him to provide for you.

Many get frustrated because they think God can be used. Hello, God is a principled God and to enjoy Him, His principles must be followed. Bible says faith without works is dead. Like muscles that grow bigger through use, faith grows bigger also through application.

The moment your faith can take care of your headache, then you would be sure it would take care of your backache and so on. Exercise your faith and it shall grow.

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