Tuesday 17 September 2013


September 16, 2013

Mt 11:28-30 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” This one Scripture alone could answer all the problems in the world. It would solve the failures in the life of every person who turns back from following God. Coming to the Lord will bring victory in any person’s life.

Several years ago, the Wall Street Journal carried a story about Sally, an overly conscientious youngster who made herself miserable over the smallest failures and setbacks. Early one fall, while the leaves were still on the trees, there was an exceptionally heavy snowstorm.

Sally’s grandfather took her for a drive and said, "Notice those elms; the branches are so badly broken that the trees may die. But, just look at those pines and evergreens. They are completely undamaged by the storm. My child, there are two kinds of trees in the world, the foolish and the wise. An elm holds its branches rigid. As it becomes weighted down, eventually its limbs break. But when an evergreen is loaded, it simply relaxes, lowers its branches, and lets the burden slip away. And so it remains unharmed.”

Christians who give up all their cares to the Lord can face life’s burdens better than those who try to bear the weight themselves. Hello, your strength is limited, but you have a Father whose strength is limitless and He is saying to you today; come unto me if you want rest. You need rest in all areas of your life. No man can give you rest. The only source of rest available is the Almighty God.

However, God is not a hungry quack doctor who goes about knocking on doors looking for patients. You must play your part, and your part is to come unto Him. Take all your worries to Him. He is solution personified. No matter how big your burden is, God is bigger. Pray with me, “Father, I come unto you today, attend to my case in Jesus Name.”

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