Thursday 19 September 2013


September 19, 2013

Years ago, I saw a Nissan Altima 1998 model. I fell in love in with it and since then I started wishing for it. However, it did not come despite my holy and rugged wishing. So I decided to change my approach. I went to get a Nissan car key holder and I put my post office box key (it looks like a car key) on the key hold to appear like a car owner.

Suddenly, someone just came to me that there was a Nissan Altima, 2003 model that was available for sale. Before I could finish spelling my name, God got the car for me. So I moved from forming a car owner with a post office box key to being a real car owner.

Sir, your miracle is a product of your act of faith. Heb 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” What have you been asking God all these while, take a step of faith in the direction of your desire. It takes faith to receive from God. You don’t have to see it; you just have to believe it. It might not look like it; you just must believe if truly want to experience God’s miracle. It is a divine mystery that works.

Sir, for a man of faith, there is nothing called closed door or no vacancy. Your act of faith is what would make God break protocols concerning you. A young man applied for job in another organization and after his interview, he wrote faith resignation from his current organization and faith offer of employment from the new one. His faith was too stubborn to be dissuaded, and because God would always honor your steps of faith, the man got the job and resigned accordingly from the other one.

As you act in faith in the direction of your desire, heaven will open and your expectations shall become manifestations in Jesus Name. Amen!

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