Wednesday 16 October 2013


October 15, 2013

Few months ago, I came across the “YOLO” acronym which means You Only Live Once. It is a well thought out acronym, little wonder, Heb 9:27 says, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”   So that means there is only one life and then death is once and for all. Just to be clear, death is not avoidable, unless rapture happens.

I love the life Jesus lived because it made a whole lot of sense. As supposedly said, Jesus began His ministry work at the age of thirty as affirmed by Luk 3:23 and most Bible scholars said he died after three and a half years. However, the impact of a three and half year ministry is what you and I are enjoying even after several years of the departure of the minister. Bible says that Jesus was always on the move, going about, doing good, fulfilling destiny.

At a point He was scared, but when He thought about the purpose of His coming to planet earth, He refused to give up. I am come today to challenge someone that enough of sitting down. Get up and get to work. This life is not a rehearsal ground, but a stage where we are acting already. There is no second life here, so live this one to the fullest. Dream big and go for your dream. Never let any day pass without doing something that takes you closer to your purpose in life.

I heard a slang the other day that, “No time to check the time,” in order words, no time to waste. Jesus knew there were sick people to be healed, people to be taught the word of God and all, so that made it impossible for Him to lazy around. Sir, if you have to de-friend some people just so you could fulfill destiny, do so. I pray that your life would bring glory to the name of our Lord in Jesus Name. Amen!

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