Monday 7 October 2013


October 7, 2013

There is a story of a certain man that went to God in prayer as to whether to do a particular project or postpone for later. After that prayer, he waited on God for few moments to see whether he was going to be shown a scriptural verse that would direct him, but nothing happened. In frustration, he picked his bag and drove off to work. On his way to work, he saw an electronic billboard with NIKE slogan; “DO IT NOW” moving. He has always been seeing this billboard but this time, there was something different about it. That was the answer he needed.

Some of us get so confused as to how God speaks and how to hear Him clearly. With my little experience here on planet earth, I have come to discover that God can speak to a man anyhow. In Dan 5, because God needed to tell Belshazzar something, a hand was made to write on the wall.

A man had issues with his car tire along a very deserted road; the entire four studs of one of the wheels were completely gone. He prayed that God would send help, but no car came along. Suddenly a mad man showed up, and “foolishly” said unto the man, “fool, why can’t you remove a stud each from the other three tires and use them for the fourth wheel and that would surely take you to work.” The man’s eyes were opened, that was the answer he needed and a mad man was the vessel used.

In Num 22, because God needed to talk to Balaam, Bible says, the LORD opened the mouth of the ass and the ass spoke like a man. Before you take any step, be sure you hear God clearly but don’t box God into a corner – don’t restrict hearing God to one area, God can speak to you anyhow.

Ask God about something today (now) and wait for answers, for surely HE WILL ANSWER.

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