Saturday 5 October 2013


October 5, 2013

In 2 Sam 9, King David woke up after God knows how long and asked if there was any left of the house of Saul, that he may shew him kindness for Jonathan's sake? Jonathan was his very good friend. Suddenly, someone remembered that King Saul had a servant who would know who was left in Saul’s lineage. At the end of it all, it was discovered that Jonathan had yet a son, who was lame on his feet. But, despite his disability, the moment he was remembered, he started eating at the King’s table, had servants and great possessions.

In Gen 40, Uncle Joseph interpreted a dream to two people and it came to pass the way he said it, yet the chief butler never remembered Joseph the moment he got out of prison. After two good years, Pharaoh had a dream and no one could interpret. Suddenly the chief butler remembered Joseph, and in Gen 41, after interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, Uncle Joseph became a mini Pharaoh, despite being in a foreign land.

In the book of Esther 6, because brother Mordecai had to be remembered, the king lost his appetite for sleep. He tried using Valium tablets just so he could sleep, but sleep had gone AWOL. He suddenly remembered that the book of records of the chronicles had to be opened and read before him. Suddenly Mordecai’s name popped up and to crown it all, his greatest enemy – Haman, was saddled with the responsibility of decorating brother Mordecai for the next level. Mordecai woke up that day as nobody, but went back to bed (am sure he would find it too hard to sleep out of the excitement) a VIP.

I speak this day as a servant of the Most High God that your day of divine remembrance has finally come in Jesus Name. People will lose their sleep until they remember to do you good in Jesus Name. Welcome to your season of divine remembrance. Amen!

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