Wednesday 22 May 2013


May 22, 2013

Another common cause of feeling down is fatigue. There is an old saying that says “you can’t burn the candle at both ends.” Today we have gone from candle power to atomic power, and that old saying seems to be been outdated.

We want bigger homes, fancier cars, fat bank accounts, more exotic holidays and latest gadgets, etc. as a result of all of these desires; we start earlier, work harder and finish later. We stagger home and fall asleep in front of the television, worn out and feeling guilty about spending so little time with the family.

There was a period of time that my father would have worked so tirelessly that by the time he came back home and we needed to talk to him, he would have slept off. There was a time that I had a nail injury underneath my left feet, and I could not tell him because he slept off immediately he came back home. It was in the middle of the night when the pain was too much and I was crying that he managed to wake up to attend to me.

Fatigue saps our creative energy, distorts our outlook, diminishes our joy, erodes our confidence and drains us spiritually making us feel terribly down. Elijah is a great example of this, he single-handedly defeated the prophets of Baal in 1Kings 18, later he outran a chariot by foot, he was a great prophet but despite his level of spirituality, he got so tired and worn out that he asked God to take his life – 1Kings 19:4.

However, being a good Father and Great Physician, God diagnosed Elijah’s problem and prescribed three things; proper diet, adequate rest and a good assistant – Elisha. After the prophet put all these in place, he had a smooth and peaceful ride to heaven. Many of us hide under the umbrella of “I love what I do for a living” and we tend to overload ourselves till we get out of balance. A fatigued person can neither read the word of God nor pray.

Psalm 23:3a says “He restoreth my soul.” Restore has two parts; “rest” and “store”. Relax physically, and replenish spiritually. That’s what to do when you feel down and your strength will be renewed.

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