Sunday 19 May 2013


May 20, 2013

God has a way even when there looks like there is no way. Every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put them there with the intention to bring them to pass. The attitude you need to develop is the attitude of perseverance. Never compromise knowing full well that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly, above all you may ask or think according to the power in the name of Jesus.

Maybe you are living in a small rented apartment and all your friends have nice homes. Just tell yourself, I am not discouraged, I know my time is coming. Maybe you want to get married but have not met the right person. Believe that your time is coming and that at the right time; God will bring the right person.

If you would let go of everything, never let go of hope for it is the bridge upon which faith travels. King David said, “I have pitched my tent in the land of hope.”

Move out from Discouragement Avenue. Pack your things out of that dead-end neighborhood. Move into a land of hope, faith, possibility, a land where you know your time is coming. Never lose hope. Keep hope alive. Always have the mentality that your time is near.

Maybe you have reasons to just let go of those beautiful dreams that God has put in your heart as a result of the disappointments and failures you have encountered, but I am asking you to let this simple but powerful phrase take rook in your heart; “My time is coming.”

Discouragement would come. Negative thoughts may come, telling you; It will never come to pass; You can never be debt free; That business can’t work. Just shake those off and tell yourself, “I know the thoughts of God towards me, they are the thoughts of good and not evil, to bring me to my expected end”, Tell yourself “For surely there is an end; and my expectation shall not be cut off.”

As you keep hope alive, our God will not fail you in Jesus Name. Amen

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