Thursday 9 May 2013


May 10, 2013

Psa 30:5b says “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

Morning here does not mean the usual morning, but it means the time when your status changes. The morning time for Lazarus’ sisters was when Jesus woke up their brother from the grave. It was a moment of joy for them. Morning time for blind Bartimaeus was when he regained his sight. For Namaan, his morning broke forth the moment he got healed of his leprosy.

Weeping signifies pain, struggle and labor. Weeping is a product of lack, unfruitful life, shame, reproach, disappointment and all negative things you can ever imagine. For someone like Rachael, she was always weeping and been in a sorrow activated mood because she had no child of her own. Her morning time came the moment her womb was opened and she conceived.

Morning comes after the night. Night season is a season of darkness, evil, horror and uncertainty, while morning time is a refreshing time and a time of clarity. Morning time is a cool and fresh moment.

When the morning of a man shows forth, the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD. (Joel 3:18) Generally, the man becomes a new person. His endeavors begin to yield good results. He becomes an instant amazement to his generation.

Morning time is a time of rejoicing. For a woman in the delivery room, that period before delivery would be a time of weeping, but the moment the baby is been delivered, you see uncommon joy written on the face of the woman signifying the arrival of her morning time.

I pray for you that your night season is over. Welcome to your season of unending morning time in Jesus Name. Amen!

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