Wednesday 29 May 2013


May 29, 2013

There is a true story about a man whose restaurant business was not doing very well even though it was in a highly populated area with different class of people. This man consulted several business management consultants but all to no avail.

One day he was thinking back to why he choose to go into such line of business and he remembered his childhood dream of having a restaurant where people could come drink garri (I call it cassaflakes – cassava flakes) with anything; fish, groundnut, “kulikuli (made from groundnut), fried bush meat and all.

At that point, he decided to do a “Garri and fried fish” open day restaurant kind of thing. At the end of that day, it dawned on him that if he had started with his original dream, he would never have found himself in such a messy rat race.

A whole lot of us are at the bottom today because we have refused to do our dreams. We all have dreams, but in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, effort and action. The dream temple would not have been built had Solomon not activated the passion in the people of that land by doing the dream.

Dreams will not auto-happen, just so we are clear, you need to make them happen. If your dream is to become the best poet in Nigeria and all you do is write your poems and keep them, then I would advise you change your dream to becoming the best poet keeper in Nigeria.

To dream is good, but to do the dream is better. No matter how colorful your dream is, if not worked at, it remains a dream. Bible says “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” (Rom 8:19). The world is waiting for you to explode. Burst forth. Launch out. Come off dreamland and enter into the land of reality.

I pray that the power that brings dream to pass will overshadow your dream in Jesus Name. Amen! leave

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