Sunday 19 May 2013


May 18, 2013
Most times in our lives, we tend to spend so much a time trying to figure out where to start a project from, how to start it and all. Sometimes a project as simple as writing a one pager to a friend might take some people like 5 days to compose.

There is a song that is common among western believers in Nigeria. The song says “Holy Spirit, where do I start praising you from?” Whenever I hear people sing this song, I jokingly say, start somewhere.

The trip from Lagos to Abuja by road starts with the driver starting the engine and driving. There is no progress without movement. Even the fastest man on earth knows that to win a race, he needs to take the first step.  The first step towards achieving anything in life is to take a step of faith. Peter knew this when in Matthew 14, he saw Jesus walking on the sea, he made us know that to go forward, you must take a step.

That wise man in the book of Proverbs advised twice in Prov 6:10 and 24:33 that “Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep will lead to penury. The distance between here and there is a step. Many of us waste so much time trying to figure out all the pros and cons. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that planning or weighing options is bad, but spending too much time on this is only an invitation to frustration and depression.

The best lesson I have come to learn in this few years of mine on earth is to start the engine now. Why delay? Start now. You will be surprised how much you can do when you start. Peter would never have believed that he could walk on waters until he took the first step.

Take that first step. Start that business; write that application; fill that form; approach that client; talk to that sister; make that move and you will be so dazed at how much you have been losing by not starting all these while. Every step of faith you take henceforth will take you to the top in Jesus Name. Amen!

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