Thursday 2 May 2013


May 2, 2013

I want to share a poem with you. The author is unknown as many people claim to have written it.

“As children bring their broken toys with tears for us to mend, I brought my broken dreams to God because He was my friend. But then instead of leaving Him, in peace, to work alone; I hung around and tried to help, with ways that were my own. As last, I snatched it back and cried, “How can you be so slow?” “My child” He answered, “What could I do, you never did let go.”

One of the hardest things to do is letting go of things. It is not only the good things that we seem to have a hard time letting go, even the bad things as well. The fact is that the things that affect our lives so greatly stick with us; it is what we do with them that makes the difference.

1Pe 5:7 says “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” Mat 6:27 says “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit unto his stature?” Let go of the pain, He will turn it to gain for you. Of a truth, that which is in your hand is small compared to what is in His hands, so why not just let go.

I have come to see that the reason why we find it so difficult to let go and let God is we are good “worriers”. Some of us are good at creating worst-case scenarios. However, we have refused to understand that if we do not let go of what is in our hands or minds, God will not let go of what is in His hands or mind for us. We are very good at worrying.

We all think of insecurity as the product of letting go. Live your life without worry (kind of difficult, but highly rewarding). Letting go and letting God is an act of total reliance on God’s ability and since God can never fail, you are rest assured that you will never be put to shame.

My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will reveal unto you everything and anything holding you back from becoming who you have been created to be and the power and grace to let go of such things is released upon you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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