Tuesday 28 May 2013


May 28, 2013

I went to a particular office sometimes ago to see the Director for something very important. Before going there, I had prayed that the Lord would grant me favor before everyone I was going to encounter that day. On getting to that premises, there was an important government dignitary around as such, their car park was closed to visitors.

However, when I got there, the gateman said he loved my car and that was why he was going to open the gate for me. As if that was not enough, when I got to the director’s office, I was made to understand that he was busy and I should come back some other time. I was about turning back when the man came out of his office and shouted “I love this height. What can I do for you?” That was how we entered his office and he gave me what I wanted.

When a man is satisfied with favor, everything about him becomes attractive and lovely. The favor of God makes men love you whether they like to or not. In Esther 2:15, Bible says And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her. In verse 17, because of the favor of the Lord upon her the King set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.

It doesn’t matter what your qualification or status in the society is, when you are favored, you become the centre of attraction. You become the only choice of everybody, because God by His favor has already chosen you, as such, no man on earth can object to that.

David was satisfied with the favor of God and rose from a shepherd boy to a king. Joseph was satisfied with favor and rose from a prisoner to a prime minister. Esther was satisfied with favor and she rose from obscurity into limelight. Naphtali was satisfied with favor and his entire endeavors were blessed.

I pray for you this morning that God Almighty will perfume you with favor so much that even your enemies will have no choice but to favor you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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