Monday 27 May 2013


May 27, 2013

Like I always say, man’s greatest source of help is the Holy Spirit. God has given us the Holy Spirit to be everything to us; friend, teacher, helper, director, defender, leader, producer, marketer, savior, advocate and everything that we might want him to be unto us.

There was a period in my life that things were a bit tight and I started wondering what could be happening. At first, I thought within myself that it was just a case of economic depression going on in the nation, but later my spirit was enlightened to know that others might be saying there is a casting down, I must be saying there is a lifting up.

So I did some digging and realized I owed God. Paying God what I owed Him freed me from that tight situation I put myself in.

Do you know that it is not God’s plan for you to always be sick? Do you know that having epileptic sales is not the plan of God for your life? His word says that the path of the just is like a shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. In order words, non-stop shining.

One of my pastors do say that if he is going out and a nail from nowhere pulls his clothe and tears it, he knows something is wrong. Until we are spiritually sensitive enough to the point where can figure out by the help of the Holy Ghost the cause of whatever situation we are going through that is not what we desire, the devil will continue to use us as objects of ridicule and mockery.  

I used to have mouth sore. I thought it happened whenever I was fasting but it happened even when I was not fasting. I thought it was caused by a particular food but I was wrong also. It got to a point that the sore became a weekly affair. At that point, I could not take it no more so I asked what could be wrong and I was made to know it was caused by a certain beverage. Friends, since I stopped taking that drink, the sore stopped.

Jesus said in John 10:10 that I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. To have life more abundantly, you need to be in tune with the Holy Spirit to be able to deal with whatever cannot be called life in your life.

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