Tuesday 18 November 2014


November 18, 2014

Imagine a dark room with no light switches and no electric bulb. Suddenly someone lights a candle and there is little light. Without wasting much time, others join in and light theirs as well, and soon the room is well illuminated. When some of us hear, “Ye are the light of the world,” we ask ourselves, “Can I, this little me, make a difference in this terrible and dangerous world?” It gets worse when you have a God-given task to do and while trying to recruit volunteers, you hear stuffs like, “This nation is bad, and there is nothing people like you can do about it, only God can help us.”

If you are not sure of who has asked you to go ahead, you might get talked out of doing what God has asked you to do. But as small and cheap a biro could be, it can change destinies. Put it in the hand of a billionaire and let him sign you a cheque of a million dollars. Or, put it in the hand of a governor and let him award that multi-million dollar contract to you. Don’t belittle yourself ‘cos mightier, stronger and greater is He that is in you that the one in this world. Need I remind you that you were made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26). In other words, the God-kind of nature is in you.

Bible says Jesus went about doing good (that’s the God kind of nature). Someone said you are the light of the world, don’t die a street light. The scripture says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matt 5:16). You can change the world if you would become the connection between God and the hurting, the hoping, the hungry, the tired, the depressed, the dying, the crying, or the haunted human you will come close to today.

Be the change – Yes you can!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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