Friday 21 November 2014


November 22, 2014

One of the most frustrating things in life is to have something and not know you have it, or have no idea as to how to use it. Recently, I was attending a meeting and I needed to write, but I didn’t know I had a pen in my pocket, so I had to start asking my colleagues for help. It was right then it dawned on me that so many of us believers are kings walking the street like tramps because we do not know what we carry.

No wonder the writer of Ecclesiastes said folly is set in great dignity, ‘cos servants are the ones riding on horses while princes are walking the street like servants. (Ecc 10:5-7) I’d like you to understand that God has deposited greatness in you so much that when great people look at you, they marvel. At a point, when professors and doctors heard Jesus talking, they were so dazed that they said, “what kind of wisdom is this?”

You might have the same physical features like every other persons around you, but may I tell you sir, that you are different, because the scripture says, you are wonderfully and fearfully made. Jesus said in Matt 11:11 that, “Verily I say unto you, among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: NOTWITHSTANDING HE THAT IS LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS GREATER THAN HE.” Did you hear that? The secret of kingdom greatness therefore is to become a citizen of the kingdom of heaven.

No wonder Jesus said in Matt 6:33 that, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things (food, money, clothing and greatness inclusive) shall be added unto you.” God gave each and every one of us the mandate of greatness and dominion in Gen 1:28, so it is left to you to walk in it by putting God first in all you do.

Remain lifted!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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