Thursday 20 November 2014


November 19, 2014

When a woodcarver goes to the forest to cut a tree, anyone that sees him would just greet him and pass by, but by the time he starts chiseling and smoothing, people start wondering what he is doing. By the time he is done, whatever image he has carved out of the seemingly useless tree, becomes so adorable that people start offering him money to buy it. But I have never seen a case where the wood would say to the carver, “Don’t carve me into this shape.” The person with the chisel determines what image would come out best from that wood.

Many of us sing the song, “Jesus take the wheel,” but some still have their foot on the brake pedal, while some on the accelerator pedal. Little wonder why the ride is always bumpy and sloppy. Someone is pressing the brake, another person is pressing the accelerator. Until God takes full control of the driver’s corner of the vehicle of your life, you might not record any meaningful movement in life. The person would just be going round the same circle day after day.

Most of the people who ended up great in the scripture released their lives 100% to God. When there was a severe famine in the land and Isaac was contemplating going to Egypt, the moment God told him in Gen 26:3 that, “Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee.” Isaac never bothered relocating again. Bible says he sowed in that land and reaped a 100 fold harvest that same year. King David never relied on his own wisdom, but was always consulting God before taking any decision especially as it relates to going to the battlefront.

Stop insisting on having it your own way. Jonah almost died while trying to do so. You are the clay, God is the potter, ask Him to have His way, because His ways might not be the smoothest but it is higher and better than our ways.

Remain blessed!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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