Monday 17 November 2014


November 17, 2014

While narrating my experience to my colleague recently of how I would have something in mind, and while still brooding over it, I would see someone else doing same thing already. He laughed and said he has experienced such more than five times. I then discovered that most of us, especially believers are always the most affected. Because God desires change on earth, and we are God’s agents of change, He would always give us transformational ideas, but it is left to us to either make it work or not.

The moment you know what you want to be, where you want to go and what you want to accomplish, don’t waste any more time. You either write the script or watch the movie. If you write the script, you earn the credit, if not, you remain a watcher. We all have God-given talents and gifts, start using them. It might be tough and rough especially in this “competitive” world that humans have created, but you need to understand that you are not in competition with anybody but yourself.

Some of us are always waiting for that perfect day. Bible says in Ecc 11:4, “Don’t sit there watching the wind. Do your own work. Don’t stare at the clouds. Get on with your life. (MSG)” Make use of every moment. The sad thing is, if you start delaying, because God desires change on earth, He looks for another ready vessel to execute.  I am not saying you should recklessly pursue your dreams with ill preparation, I am saying once you know what you have been called to do (as revealed by your Creator), the best time to start is now because every single day counts.

Always remember that a day is coming when you will account for every gift used, abused, misused and unused.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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