Thursday 27 November 2014


November 27, 2014

Do you remember those times we do shoot “knock-outs” during festive periods? The fireworks tool only works when we light it up and then it starts sounding. I know of some friends who were always scared to the extent that they never shot theirs and for months it remained with them. It wasn’t that the firework object wasn’t good or not sounding well, but they were not ready to take the risk of shooting it.

Many tongue talking, chair throwing believers who carry so much deposit of greatness on the inside of them, are still walking about as mere men even though, Psalm 82:6 says, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” When the seventy two people that Jesus sent out came back, Bible says they returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.” (Luke 10:17) The seventy two never knew what they carried until it was put to use. Don’t forget they never took any money with them, but never lacked.

God has equipped you with all that’s needed for you to become great in life, but you have a very key role to play. Stop focusing on what others have that you don’t have, sir, you have what they don’t have. Someone said, you don’t value what you have until you lose it. You are the light of this world, but no light shines until someone switches it on. Spark up the greatness in you. Stop burying your talent and potential, start using it from today. The more Jesus kept going about doing what God sent Him here to do, the more impacts He made.

The more you use the talent and skill deposited in you, the better you become, the more your impact and the higher you climb, because the one that starts a fire cannot tell how big it would become. Remember, the entire world is waiting for your manifestation!  

Don’t disappoint God!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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