Tuesday 25 November 2014


November 25, 2014

You might not know the name of a tree when it hasn’t started bearing fruits, but the moment you start seeing fruits on it, you can easily say, “this is an apple tree.” Even if grafting was done and an orange tree starts bearing apple, because what you see on it is apple, you would naturally call it an apple tree. When we see a car in the middle of the road with the front wheel torn apart, there is a brand name that easily comes to mind. People should be able to tell we are believers by our fruits.

One of such fruit is love as stated in Gal 5:22. You cannot convince me you are a believer and yet you find it hard to love. Bible says in 1 John 4:8, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” It is natural for the son of a wicked man to be wicked. So, it then means it should be natural for the son of the loving Father to be a loving child. There are many verses of the Bible where out of love, Jesus did some very great miracles.

Love restores. How can you love God when you find it hard loving the man beside you genuinely? We claim we love God and when someone around us errs, instead of bringing them back to the God we claim to love, we nail them to the cross. We are the ones who would rather bury a dying man than help him get back to life. We claim we love but see our fellow man hurting and we blind our eyes to it. As lovers, we should stop condemning and judging fellow men when Jesus said, “Judge not!” 

Love God, love your spouse, love your neighbor, love your enemies, love your nation, love your leaders and love your followers. Remember that every tree that refuses to bear fruit (love) will be chopped down!

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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