Tuesday 1 July 2014


July 1, 2014

Sometimes ago, my toothpaste finished and I had to cut the tube into half so I could use my toothbrush scoop out paste. I kept forgetting to buy a new one so, the scooping exercise went on for like three days. On the fourth day, I needed to get my bottle of perfume from inside a cabinet when I saw a new large sized toothpaste. As I was picking it, the Holy Spirit said, my people perish because they lack knowledge.

Ignorance is lack of knowledge or state of being uniformed. Ignorance is one of the trick of the devil, because he knows that as long as you don’t know, he can cheat you. As believers, there are countless numbers of promises available unto us right from creation but because we are ignorant of them, we keep managing and patching things up. For your information, managing and patching life isn’t God’s desire for you. No! His word says in Jer 29:11 that His plans for you is to take care of you and not abandon you and also to bring you the future you hope for (MSG).

What you don’t know you own, you can’t claim which is why the promises that are meant to be following believers are the same promises believers are busy chasing around. If I knew I had a new toothpaste in my house, I would never have gone to the extent of still managing old paste. Friends, I am here to inform you that God has given us promises that we can rely on when we are in need of comfort or assurance. All you need do is to become addicted to reading the word of God.

From the word of God, you can know what belongs to you  and also remember that the word of God is God in letters (John 1:1) and the moment you commit yourself to it, you shall make your way prosperous and have good success (Josh 1:8).

Welcome to the month of perfection and rest.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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