Wednesday 30 July 2014


July 29, 2014

Have you ever signed any bank documents? One common thing to all of them is that their terms and conditions part is always written in such a tiny font and too lengthy that 99% of those signing do not even bother to read, we just go ahead and sign. I remembered someone signed something like that when obtaining a loan and suddenly the interest rate went up by 5%. He became furious and was threatening legal action against the bank when he was shown the form he signed and there it was written that, “The bank has the sole right to increase interest rate if necessary,” but this time they have magnified the font.

Same way many believers don’t have much understanding of what is written concerning them. As believers, the written word carries such weight that makes it a weapon of mass destruction. Regrettably, many just put the Bible in their cars and some under their pillows without opening it to understand what’s in it for them except on Sundays. When the devil came to trouble Jesus in Matthew 4, Jesus conquered by quoting the written word of the Father.

I need you to understand that the weapons of our warfare which is the word of God is not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. You need to start loading your spirit man with the word of God so that when the need arises, you can use the written word to write your own story afresh. When you know what the written word of God concerning that situation, it boosts your faith level so much that you feel confident that you are going to come out victorious.

The written word of God contains every solution you would ever need to be victorious, prosperous and in the end live a wondrous life. Always remember that the word of God is sharper that any two-edged sword.

Get busy reading the word of God!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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