Wednesday 30 July 2014


July 28, 2014

There is a parable in Luke 15 about a father who had to sons – we usually call it the parable of the prodigal son. One of the sons asked the father to give him his own part of the will even though the father was still alive. He got what he wanted and went away to a very far country. There he lavished all he got from the father uncontrollably. I am sure he must have thought the money wouldn’t finish forgetting that money has wings (Prov 23:5b).

When he had finished spending everything he had, a mighty famine arose which turned him to a beggar. To make matters worse for him, he started eating pig feed. As dirty and stinking as pigs are, you can imagine someone dining with them because of hunger – that’s height of hunger sir. Suddenly, he came to his senses and thought it within himself that even slaves in his father’s house don’t eat with pigs, so he said he was returning back home (Luke 15:18-19).

To his surprise, he was received like a king against his expectation of being cast away or ridiculed. Some of us feel condemned because of our sins and as such we feel unworthy to approach God. However, we have forgotten that the scripture says in Romans 8:1a that, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” However, there is a need for a returning back to Christ. 2 Chron 30:9b says, “For the LORD your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him.”

It doesn’t matter how bad or dirty what you have done, Christ’s arms are wide opened to give you a welcome hug if only you will come to Him. When you return to Christ and abide in Him, that’s when you are guaranteed total protection, favor, honor, prosperity and all the things you are running after today.

Always remember that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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