Wednesday 16 July 2014


July 16, 2014

One of the challenges of this present generation is thinking. This is one reason why you see students when given assignment to do, they start copying answers from another person instead of trying to do it by themselves. Some other set of people go about saying, “there is no new thing under heaven.” I was also a student of this school of thought until recently when I saw how some things were turning out.

I recently stumbled upon an invention by someone. The person manufactured a mug that could stir the contents in it by itself. In order words, the stress of looking for a teaspoon to stir and the accompanying noise from the spoon hitting the cup shall be no more. While wondering how this person came about such a wonderful idea, I saw another hand sowing tailoring machine. In order words, instead of having to do the manual needle and thread thing or going about looking for a seamstress, all you have to do is put the cloth in the machine, press a button and sowing begins.

When Laban was striking that deal with Jacob in Genesis 30, I am so sure he was thinking in his mind that there was no way Jacob would see much sheep in his flock with speckles or spots. However, Jacob became a scientist and started breeding his own choice of sheep by using a rod. Because of this invention, Bible says, Jacob increased exceedingly and had much cattle, servants, camels and asses to the extent that Laban’s son started saying that Jacob had duped their father.

Today, I just want you to think twice should you have said or imagined that all that could be has been. Day by day, great minds are always thinking of what to invent to make life easier for all. Why don’t you also start thinking that way knowing full well that the moment you do that, you become an automatic celebrity?

Remember that if you can think it, you can do it.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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